Art of Aggressive Listening

Instead of being loudest, what if we all tried being the most empathetic person in the room?

Because when the ultra-rich are buying up $44B megaphones, society has become way too obsessed with shouting to be heard.

I know, I know. That word “empathy” gets thrown around a lot today.

But look at all it can help get you:
🧠 New perspectives to inform your own!
🤝 Harmony & consensus with others!
💡 Deeper understanding & insight!
🌍 More faith in humanity!

Am I being naive? (Probably)

Will we ever live in a shiny, optimistic Star Trek future? (Please, make it so)

Should we at least try harder? (Definitely)

So begin with the Art of Aggressive Listening:

  • Stop multitasking

  • Make eye contact

  • Lock onto your target 

  • Silence the inner monologue

  • Let them fill the chasm of silence 

  • Read everything for nonverbal cues

  • Reaffirm what you’ve heard them say

  • Search for meaning beyond assumptions

I’ve applied the AoAL to pitches, manager/mentee 1:1s, stakeholder interviews, being a bartender to regulars @3AM & even a five city shopalong research study about eggs. 

Works every time.

Give it a shot. 

Worst case scenario?

You walk away a little smarter & a lot more fulfilled. 



Making Noise


Goodbye, Marshall