Because when the ultra-rich are buying up $44B megaphones, society has become way too obsessed with shouting to be heard.
I know, I know. That word “empathy” gets thrown around a lot today.
But look at all it can help get you:
🧠 New perspectives to inform your own!
🤝 Harmony & consensus with others!
💡 Deeper understanding & insight!
🌍 More faith in humanity!
Am I being naive? (Probably)
Will we ever live in a shiny, optimistic Star Trek future? (Please, make it so)
Should we at least try harder? (Definitely)
So begin with the Art of Aggressive Listening:
Stop multitasking
Make eye contact
Lock onto your target
Silence the inner monologue
Let them fill the chasm of silence
Read everything for nonverbal cues
Reaffirm what you’ve heard them say
Search for meaning beyond assumptions
I’ve applied the AoAL to pitches, manager/mentee 1:1s, stakeholder interviews, being a bartender to regulars @3AM & even a five city shopalong research study about eggs.
Works every time.
Give it a shot.
Worst case scenario?
You walk away a little smarter & a lot more fulfilled.