Making Noise
I want my kids to grow up and never hear “go back to your own country.” Like I did.
I want my kids to grow up without their voices stifled, their hearts trampled. I want them to be noisy and proud. Free of the burden of not belonging.
Because you don’t hear a lot about noisy Asians. More than likely, you don’t think about Asian people at all.
That invisibility is the problem.
Here’s what keeps you from seeing & hearing us:
🏆 Model minority myth : you think we’re “quiet, obedient & hard working.”
🚷 Bamboo ceiling : we’re a third of corporate America but 1.5x less likely to be promoted to the C-suite than White people.
👊 Anti Asian violence : we’re easy victims as violent hate crimes against us has spiked 339% this year.
So hey, it’s not an easy time to be Asian.
We’re more than our alignments & contradictions to a tired, ethnic stereotype. We’re trying our hearts out to fit into a world that doesn’t seem to care.
And we need the world to care about our entire, silently suffering community.
So it’s time to be a Noisy Asian.
Because we have to do better.
Please, hear us.
Thank you to the noisy Asians here who inspire including Lily Buranasombhop, Sharon Panelo, Nayantara Mukherji, Minjae Ormes, Mita Mallick, Dave Lu, Jerry Won, Bernice Chao, Lily Zheng & so many more